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IMP Data Base of Perpetrators (Read 26579 times)
LB Bork
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IMP Data Base of Perpetrators
Aug 21st, 2010 at 10:29am
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Index of Listed Groups

...A Listing of General Groups

...Chris Hansen, dba ~ Family Guardian and SEDM

...Peymon Mottahedeh, dba ~ Freedom Law School

...Also see Insurgency Agents ~ NMG Fourm


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‹‹Last Edit: Jan 29th, 2011 at 9:41pm by LB Bork ››


"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner."  —me
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LB Bork
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Listing of General Groups
Reply #1 - Aug 21st, 2010 at 10:35am
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Listing of General Groups

... A Patriot, Self Important, Fear Monger, Agent Provocateur, Gate Keeper. Heck, a little of everything!
...Submitted by PAC; Classification by LB

These are some general classifications which show groups that may be comprised of multiple subgroups.

... Republican and Democratic political parties. Republicans, Democrats, and Other Parties... Oh my!
What a bunch of self important people the Republican and Democratic political parties comprise of. Aldous Huxley stated in Brave New World that these two parties act as one. You know, the good cop, bad cop scenario. Of course, all other political parties are just part of the 14th Amendment political ruse, so all those self important people are just another group of useful idiots too. The simple fact is you guys, you cannot fix what is meant to be broken. Thanks all you people—in the 14th Amendment political realm—for rebelling against the Republic: Have a nice trip to Hades!
...More on these people,  Click Here

... The Media. First off, let's ask a simple question: Who runs the mainstream media? A poor wage earner like you, or a bunch of self-important people who have a load of money? So, where is the interest?... You, or the money they make?
...More on these people,  Click Here

... American Bar Association. What can be said about these guys... They are the one team wrecking-crew. Their job is to maintain the "civil rights" of the people under the 14th Amendment of the New World Order. Be assured, there are no natural rights for you, is the motto of these people; only your rights that are controlled by the statutes and the bogus common (case) law that is built on them. The AMERICAN BAR, the ultimate gate keepers.

... Tax Freedom Groups. Well, it is conceded that US citizens have the right to due process under the 14th Amendment. But come on guys, stop the pissing and moaning and just pay your fair share already, okay? And guys, PAC has answered your question: Show Me the Law! It seems you people rather not pay your taxes and get hammered instead. Hey, maybe you can get the law changed by voting... Ya, throw all the bums out and put new ones in. LOL It must be said that this faction is a hotbed for patriots, self-important people, fear mongering, agent provocateurs, and gate keepers. What better way to suck-in self-centered people? By telling them they don't have to pay their taxes!

... Unorganized Militias. Yes, hats off to these guys. It is a fact that these fine men are the backbone of the freedom of the Republics. But wait! Someone forgot to tell you people that something new has been added... The 14th Amendment! Well now, throw in some Dr. Militia—Edwin Vieira—and you got a peck of trouble. It seems that Dr. Militia ignores things like the appeal court's statement in the case Nordyke v. King (563 F. 3d 439). Our research tells us that the ones who orchestrated the Civil War, correctly—The War Between the States, were pretty upset that they could not get the men of the South for treason against the United States. Well, that is all fixed now: Thanks 14th Amendment! That is to say, a mighty big fall at law may be coming down the pike. Speaking of pike, you are reminded that Albert Pike stated in Morals and Dogma that there would be three World Wars. Interesting to see that THEY could be setting-up for some of the planned instigators to possibly be put away for treason this time. I tell you, these guys think of everything!

... State Sovereignty Groups. Nice effort by all you people who are involved in getting states rights recognized under the Tenth Amendment. But unfortunately, the 14th Amendment rules. Simply put, you advocates have bodies politic that consist of United States citizens. You might want to see the idiom, pissing-up a rope. Have to say, nice try though!

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‹‹Last Edit: Nov 19th, 2010 at 4:22pm by LB Bork ››


"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner."  —me
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Christopher Hansen, The Family Guardian
Reply #2 - Aug 26th, 2010 at 10:38pm
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Christopher Hansen, dba ~ Family Guardian and Sovereign Education Defense Ministry

... Agent Provocateur, Self Important, Gate Keeper.
...Submitted by LB; Classification by Rich

There is so much information at Family Guardian it must be good, right? Not right. There is an old saying, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit... Here's your sign: Family Guardian!

Chris Hansen, operator of the Family Guardian and Sovereign Education Defense Ministry websites, while on the surface may appear to be a passionate Christian providing information on a range of topics to help wayward folks find the truth.  In reality though, we may have just stumbled into The Holy Grail of patriot mythology disinformation.  Not only is his site, hands down, the largest Encyclopedia Galactic you will ever fall into, but he even goes so far as to create his own versions of the stuff he lifts from others, and officials them up with the Department of Treasury's official seal.  Oh yes, the roots of this guy centers on tax protesting... A typical red flag that sends in the troops.

So if we ever need to locate a possible mastermind behind the tidal wave of patriot wishful thinking sites, my money would be this Perp.  As the reviewer on the tax protester dosier website states “...the information on Family Guardian is largely incoherent”  Stolen nationality base information from The Red Amendment that Hansen ordered in 2001, does state that it is the most important information on his site; however, there is the special dis-info touch added to it.

Chris Hansen- Poster child for the reason we have to work so hard undoing the confusion he causes with his divide and conquer effect. THE Agent Provocateur, Self Important, Gate Keeper, and very possibly insane.

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‹‹Last Edit: Sep 27th, 2010 at 5:31pm by LB Bork ››

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."

  Thomas Jefferson
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Rich of Illinois
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Peymon Mottahedeh, Freedom Law School
Reply #3 - Aug 28th, 2010 at 5:16pm
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Peymon Mottahedeh, dba ~ Freedom Law School

... A Patriot, Self importance, Fear Monger; Gate Keeper.
...Submitted by Rich; Classification by Rich

Freedom Law School at is owned and operated by Peymon Mottahedeh.  He has a $300k challenge offered to anyone who can prove his 3 propositions.  Those propositions while standing unproven in his mind, compose the basis for what freedom law school is teaching and selling. They are:
    1. Show what statute written by the Congress of the United States that requiring Americans to file an income tax “CONFESSION” (return) and pay an income tax.
    2. Show how Americans can file an income tax “CONFESSION” (return) without giving up their 5th amendment right to not give any information to the government that may be used to prosecute them.
    3. Prove that the 16th amendment to the United States Constitution, which, according to the IRS and modern American courts permitted the income tax to exist was lawfully added to the United States Constitution.
In or about 2006 LB Bork had contact with Mr. Mottehedeh through another associate about collecting this prize, but needed to know who would be the judge of any proposed solution.  Mr. Mottehedeh said that he would judge it. Right, like that was going to happen. The maxim that says a man cannot judge his own cause kills this contest.

The fact that Mr. Mottehedeh, or Freedom Law School, whatever, coordinates these $79 freedom seminars with a range of speakers on different topics, should not distract from the fact that Mr. Mottehedeh's interest is focused on selling either his $4,000 “Simple Freedom package” or the more supported “Royal Freedom package” for the low low price of $6,000. Continued membership is renewed every year when the recurring 2500 dollar yearly membership fee is paid.  At first glance in might appear that Peymon is all in it for himself but then we find out that he has also has a pyramid scheme that participants could make “3000 dollars per month” referring their other patriot “friends” to sign up in, for their bit of  Simple or Royal freedom. Hmmm... Royal Freedom? Great for sovereigns! LOL 

Fear of the IRS keeps people signing up for this “help” and all I can discern from the victories page, found here is that someone in the group has an idea about administrative procedures and filing processes.  From the limited amount of wins that Freedom Law School has, one could say what is meant by the Royal Freedom Package: The Freedom of your money as it leaves your pockets.

This group is not looking for a solution, just a way to get your money before the IRS does. And they will be as these guys are using the same old tax scam teachings that have been around forever that do not work.  And you can bet, the IRS will be at your door, like PayMeMan tells you they will be through fear tactics unless you give them the business.

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"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."

  Thomas Jefferson
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Rich of Illinois
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All Political Parties
Reply #4 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 2:18pm
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All Political Parties, they all deserve a special examination

... Gate Keeper.
...Submitted by Rich; Classification by Rich

Political parties- BTR (before the Red Amendment) The political system, by default, stands as the only option to alter the direction of government compared to the alternatives.  The choice of a person's party of representation has less to do with any critical examination of the individual party planks than it has to do with one's inherited socioeconomic standing in society.  The  legacy of that connection serves both as:  the necessary disassociation of the means employed to accomplish the ends, and a measure of generational perpetuation into the future.  By empowering something to represent us, we signify that the victory is more important than our individual values.  Historically the two sides were divided into, those that believed in the individual and those that did not.

Political parties- ATR  (after the Red Amendment)  Now that I know what the political system really is, I'm ashamed of my participation in the whole distraction.  By participating in the largest corporate “community” of the worst order, I have consented to and supported the de facto government's enslavement of all of us.  Once I removed those patriotic rose colored glasses I recognized that their behavior is not representative of any man or woman that I know or could imagine.  I do not know anyone whose behavior begins with criminal and ends somewhere south of evil.  The bits of adultery, extortion, fraud, coercion, and enslavement are just the very tip of the iceberg that once in a while gets “leaked “ into the media machine to enable the occasional non election seat shuffle.

The fact that the party's dividing line now lies somewhere between empowering the government to make war, or empowering the government to create a cradle to grave entitlement system, should be a clue that the political system is only to empower the de facto government.  Another clue should be the fact that the political class enjoys all the opulence, degradation, and healthcare formerly reserved for kings.  Immunity from their own regulations and laws should communicate to people that these criminals are not working on their constituents' behalf.  The system is designed to be broken, period.  The system under the 14th amendment is the basis for world governance or what everyone refers to as "New World Order".

Third parties, other parties, or whatever we are calling them now a days only want to get into power for the same reasons.  They'll have a good sales pitch, and may even believe some of the rhetoric themselves, but NOTHING will change, because it can't.  While the private law system is in place nothing will change.  The only thing that has methodically  marched forward regardless of the party in control, is the implementation of the communist manifesto, and the tyranny to follow.

The people who actively participate in the de facto government cannot fix what was meant to be broken.  All they can do is revel in the corruption and get wealthy doing it by selling what's left to be sold to the highest bidder.  At least the old C.P.U.S.A. (Communist party) was honest about what they wanted to change in America!

And for the supporters who will not waiver in their conviction to these criminals... I think Samuel Adams said it best:  "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace.  We ask not you counsels or your arms.  Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.  May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

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"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."

  Thomas Jefferson
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Rich of Illinois
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Television & Radio Personalities
Reply #5 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 4:23pm
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Television & Radio Political Personalities (The Media), the machine behind the evil

... A Patriot, Self Important, Fear Monger, Agent Provocateur, Gate Keeper. Heck, they are a little of everything!
...Submitted by Rich; Classification by Rich

First off let me state that my opinion of these people changed greatly ATR (after the Red Amendment)
so much so that I can't remember my opinion BTR (before the Red Amendment).

The bottom feeder epitome of the “just doing my job” sensationalists.  Although they do not directly profit from association with the de facto government, they do profit greatly from fear based consumerism and big government celebration.  If we step back and examine what really changes day to day, we find that the law doesn't change, politicians don't change, and for the most part history doesn't change.  Even at war, when our brothers and sisters are in harm's way... after 9 years in the sand, not much changing there.

So what is so important to infringe on my food network casserole making show?  TERROR ON THE SEAS, HOME CANNING TO BE ILLEGAL, THE CATASTROPHE IN THE GULF, BRIMSTONE (oops, no wait) OIL BALLS RAINING DOWN ON FLORIDA...  Wow, that is indescribable and must be very important to someone!  Even rational people cannot ignore this type of “breaking news”.  Are we starting to get the picture?  The only thing worthy of mention is that which can be made sensational enough to scare the pants off people or  attack traditional values.  What may have once served as the watchdog against government secrecy and corruption is now in the business of profiteering from it.  With the fear business becoming so lucrative, is it any wonder that the government's desire for control and the media's joy in herding the flock around would eventually become soul mates, the likes of which Hitler could have only dreamed of.

Now comes the offspring of this unspeakable union...The Political talking head!  The adoption rate for this political cabbage patch creature is simply unrivaled.  This new species of journalist was not only schooled in fear based consumerism but also raised literally with government as daddy.

The political talking heads while aligned perfectly with “a side” of the contrived left versus right paradigm, serve to reinforce the divisions of people from each other and eventually away from everyone due prolonged exposure to the “us versus them” mentality.  If there is to be any remedy to the string of “emergencies” that they progress through, it will only come from daddy. (government)

The modus operandi – Get the viewer's attention by emergency, if there isn't one, create one.  Separate the fools from their money, if donations to the emergency can't handle the problem call papa government.  When interest wains in the show,  start over!  Every show must be a little better than the last.  This creates the addiction cycle.

To build a fear instilling story some facets of it must be foreign to common knowledge or at least unverifiable by most people.  Examples:  Haiti hurricane (unverifiable) CO2 emissions (unverifiable facts, unknown science) golf oil spill (unverifiable facts, unknown chemistry) cell phones as cancer causing agent (unverifiable facts, unknown electromagnetic field science) 9-11 (unknown facts, unknown foreigners)  the borders (unverifiable facts, unknown foreigners)If we put some effort into this list it could extend for pages.  We remember these entertaining episodes of “journalism” because it triggered that tiny little fear jolt, like first drop of a roller coaster.  This is how they create the addiction to the show they are producing.

So what's wrong with a little roller coaster jolt you ask!  Nothing when kept in perspective.  Now we introduce the political aspect to it all.  Mom's and dad's wishes will be served by the kids, maybe not by intent but surely by design.  The end result is  that the whole production serves as an exciting distraction.  The political talking heads celebrate the dysfunction of their own “family” in order to rally the people to “vote it” right.  Thereby legally attaching them to it, and themselves spiritually.  The millions of dollars received in wages to perform this duty (to the family) are beside the point.

I would like to equate political pundits and talking heads to something non related but their just isn't anything comparable...  Maybe the slave traders of the 1800's selling their poor African neighbors down at the port of Zanzibar.  (But that only works if the sellers themselves were slaves)  Or if the cigarette industry had created a world wide terrorist campaign, that only cigarette smoking could stave off, prior to selling their first pack of Duke of Durhams.

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‹‹Last Edit: Aug 31st, 2010 at 11:57am by Rich of Illinois ››

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."

  Thomas Jefferson
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Re: IMP Data Base of Perpetrators
Reply #6 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 2:01pm
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Southern National Congress

... Agent Provocateur, Self Important, Gate Keeper.
...Submitted by Brother B; Classification by Rich

Southern National Congress, or in other words "The south still wants to rise again!".  I did check them out, but since I couldn't find any politicians listed I think that they are operating as more of a special interest group, with the hopes of influencing the political process by being the voice of the south!?  They may be attempting to create a new political party.  They do have much of the history of the south and it's connection with the "Civil war" correct.  They even get a gold star for understanding that sovereignty only rests in the people and not with the states.  To have so much right and then fall short just before putting the 14th amendment's issue in to complete their education is just depressing.

So basically we get another group thinking that by exhausting their members' resources, they can pressure the de facto politicians to support southern regionalism and values.  The principles of communism (of which regionalism is one) are very difficult to escape since they have been included in everyone's programming for years.

Some of the work that they have done is to create educational videos and petitions for redress of grievances for the actions of the federal government on the grounds of:   agriculture, mass migration, just war and defense, law liberty and governance, monetary policy, natural resources and arms/self defense.  I suppose that the “We the People's” similar attempt and failure had to do with the redress's wording and not a complete lack of standing as a 14th Amendment citizen.  Maybe a redress of grievances written by southern gentle folk will have a different outcome... (that is my sarcasm coming through)  In case I forgot, they also have a covenant that you can sign on line.

Finally, I suspect that the Southern National Congress may not have read their own history, as the last time they employed this tactic of the south speaking as one and succeeding, it all went pear shaped in the worst way.  (we got the 14th Amendment and the de facto government.)

Thomas Moore SNC Chairman

Mark Thomey SNC Vice Chairman

Affiliates:  Walter and Ronald Kennedy authors of the book “The South Was Right”

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"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."

  Thomas Jefferson
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